Friday 9 October 2015

Top Tweets Today: 09/10/2015

I spoke about SABMiller's reluctance to negotiate with AB Inbev yesterday and stressed the point that management was setting themselves up for a showdown between them and their suitor. It would seem that SABMiller has employed a tactic to convince shareholders that it's committed to delivering value when needed.

It has doubled up on its cost cutting measures to be realized by 2020. This signals the board's intention to avoid a takeover deal. A similar exercise was tried when Inbev was after Anheuser Busch but didn't reach fruition. Will SABMiller be able to keep them at bay, while major shareholder Altari puts pressure to to open talks?

I thought this was a good topic to talk about since it isn't often spoken about. I think there's a fallacy that trading is easy and it can  be done in the comfort of your home. Although the idea of staying at home and working does have it's perks it is a lot harder than that.

 Adam Grimes explains just that in a simple yet pin point article. If you're thinking about taking your trading full time from home then you need to have a plan in place where you will be able to earn a constant income outside your trading account, it puts more ease in your mind and makes sense.
While we on the topic of trading psychology let's think about the way we interpret the move of the market. Let me admit that the sudden rally didn't catch me by surprise, I did see potential building up however I did not participate, why? Fear was the driving force.

I think the author of the article makes a really good point that the media and in particular financial media in this case like to make a meal of big news story. So with the market dropping like a tone it was no surprise that these outlets took the opportunity to paint the picture bad.

But its not about them, to be a shrewd trader you have to be aware where the weaknesses lie in the market and then exploit them. This week is exactly the case with those who were able to do just that coming out the victors.

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